Dave Kutina
Dave Kutina learned woodworking at a young age by helping his father and grandfather. His father built many pieces of furniture and his grandfather was an accomplished wood turner. Although they are no longer with us, their hammers hang in his shop as a reminder of lessons he learned from them. Dave’s first formal class in woodworking was as a graduate student in the Architecture Department at The State University of New York at Buffalo. Mr. Richard Yencer taught him the essentials of design, technique and shop safety. Today Dave is a high school technology teacher and is proud to be able to pass those same lessons on to his students.
In recent years Dave’s woodworking efforts have focused on designing and building high quality custom electric guitars. For him the joy of producing these guitars lies in the combination of artistic expression coupled with the need for extreme precision. Most of Dave’s woodworking projects in the last 10 years, including many of his guitars, have been produced primarily with wood which he has harvested and milled himself from local trees which were felled in storms or brought down through necessity. Dave says that he enjoys the process of taking these downed trees from logs to highly crafted products and knowing that “I have used material that otherwise may have gone to waste”.
To see more of Dave's work, visit his website here: DaveKutina