ACG Scholarship
The Guild is once again offering a $500.00 scholarship to a senior art student who is planning on pursuing upper level art or fine craft education in the visual arts.
Instructions for completing the application...
The Arts & Craftsmen Guild is offering $500 scholarships this year to area senior high school students pursuing upper level art or fine craft education in the visual arts. This award is determined on a competitive basis and requires the submission of three art portfolio pieces and an artist’s statement as well as a letter of recommendation.
All students who plan to continue their college studies in the visual arts are encouraged to
participate in this process.
All applicants will receive a complimentary 1yr membership in the guild.
The portfolio should include 3 clear jpegs images e-mailed to the Arts and Craftsmen Guild at
All materials should be labeled with artist’s name, title of each piece (if any), media, dimensions, and year completed. Portfolio artwork may include drawings, painting, photography, ceramics, digital works, mixed media, printmaking, sculptures, et cetera.
Self-portraits, still lives and figure studies may be included. Portfolios may include coursework or artwork created outside of art courses, preferably within the past two years. All Portfolio work must be the original artwork of the applicant.
The Artist’s Statement should include your reasons for wanting to be an artist, a description of artists and/or work that you admire, and your academic and artistic goals. Your statement should be 200-300 words (double spaced) in length. Be sure to include your name at the top of your statement.
A letter of recommendation from a current or past instructor familiar with your artistic qualifications should be included with the application.
Complete the application form along with your 3 JPEGs of your artwork and artist’s statement and letter of recommendation by Friday, May 2, 2025, to be considered for the scholarship.
Any Questions please contact, John Thiesen at 716-652-6218.
Winners will be notified by Friday, June 6, 2025. We will send a press release featuring the recipients of the art scholarship to their local papers, as well as including an article on our web-site.
Winners also receive a one-year membership in the Arts & Craftsmen Guild.
Please email Jack Thiesen at for more information.